The Maxine Project: Contributors

This page lists the people who have been associated with the Maxine project.

The University of Manchester

Oracle Labs

Oracle Labs members who contributed to Maxine:


Maxine would not be where it is today without the valuable input of these interns:

Name Affiliation When Topic
Chris tian Häubl Johannes Kepler U. Linz winte r 2012 Profil e feedba ck for Graal
Arian Treff er HPI Potsdam summe r 2011 object models for dynami c langua ges
Tobia s Pape HPI Potsdam summe r 2011 execut ion models for dynami c langua ges
Gill es Dubos cq _ Johannes Kepler U. Linz summe r 2011 Graal
Samee r Kulka rni
  1. Delaware
summe r 2011 machin e learni ng for code optimi zation
Du Li U. Nebraska Lincoln fall 2010 VM suppor t for analys is
`Luka s Stadl er <h ttps: //git hub.c om/lu kasst adler >`__ Johannes Kepler U. Linz summe r 2010 C1X Hotspo t integr ation
Micha el Dulle r ETH Zürich summe r 2010 De-opt
Punee t Lakhi na UC Santa Barbara summe r 2010 Maxine Virrtu al Editio n
Thom as Würth inger Johannes Kepler U. Linz summe r 2009 C1X and XIR
Marce lo Cintr a UC Irvine summe r 2009 interp reter and verifi er for IR of C1X
Hanne s Payer
  1. Salzburg
summe r 2009 safepo int synchr onizat ion, reloca table watchp oints and GC suppor t in the The Maxine Inspec tor, immort al memory , TLABs
Micha el Beben ita UC Irvine summe r 2008 trace compil ation
Abdul aziz Ghulo um Indiana U. Bloomington summe r 2008 perfor mance analys is, compil er optimi zation s
Yi Guo Rice summe r 2008 perfor mance analys is, compil er optimi zation s
Chri stos Kotse lidis U. Manchester summe r 2008 genera tional garbag e collec tion (Beltw ay)
Karth ik Maniv annan UC Irvine summe r 2008 genera tional garbag e collec tion (Beltw ay)
Thom as Würth inger Johannes Kepler U. Linz summe r 2008 IR visual izatio n, Inspec tor GUI
Aritr a Bandy opadh yay Colorado State U. summe r 2008 IR visual izatio n, Inspec tor GUI, array bounds checki ng
Simon Wilki nson U. Manchester sprin g 2008 multip le modal object monito r implem entati ons for thread synchr onizat ion, includ ing biased -locki ng
Sunil Soman UC Santa Barbara winte r 2007/ 2008 safepo int mechan ism debugg ing, semisp ace GC
Athul Achar ya Purdue summe r 2007 remote interp retor for the The Maxine Inspec tor
Sumee t Panch al
  1. Florida
summe r 2007 CIR visual izatio n, ARM assemb ler
David Liu U. Queensland sprin g 2007 code genera tion for switch statem ents, byteco de verifi er
Hiros hi Yamau chi Purdue summe r 2005 initia l compil er backen d for AMD64