Debugging ========= Inspector --------- The Inspector is the tool co-developed with the VM for debugging. Launching the Inspector is as simple as using the ``mx inspect`` command. :: mx inspect -cp test.output.GCTest2 The Inspector window should appear in a few moments. Go :doc:`here <./Inspector>` for other ways of launching the Inspector. Testing Maxine -------------- Benchmarks ~~~~~~~~~~ The most useful way to test Maxine is to execute some of the standard benchmarks on the image previously built with the ``mx image`` command. In this example, we will use the SpecJVM98 and DaCapo benchmarks. After downloading the benchmarks, set the following environment variables: :: export SPECJVM98_ZIP=/Users/acme/benchmarks/ export DACAPOBACH_JAR=/Users/acme/benchmarks/dacapo-9.12-bach.jar Then execute the following command: :: mx test -insitu -tests=specjvm98,dacapobach ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running reference SpecJVM98 _201_compress: 1607 ms Running maxvm (std) SpecJVM98 _201_compress: 3309 ms 2.059x ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... Running reference DaCapo-bach avrora: 3960 ms Running maxvm (std) DaCapo-bach avrora: 13815 ms 3.488x ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... Note that the harness used to run the benchmarks against a reference VM is a little brittle. In particular, it compares the output written to ``stdout`` by the two executions and if they don't match, it determines the Maxine VM execution to have failed. We've noticed that for some benchmarks on some platforms, the execution output is not such a reliable fingerprint. To see the actual output of the benchmark, and the exact command used to run it, look in the ``maxine-tester/insitu`` directory. Regression testing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maxine includes a set of tests that are useful in catching regressions and measuring progress when making changes. The three types of tests included in the distribution are described below. JUnit tests ^^^^^^^^^^^ Tests the Maxine code base prior to building and running the VM. For example, there are JUnit tests for the general purpose utility classes in the Base project. There are also JUnit tests that use the various IR interpreters to ensure that each level of IR in Maxine's compiler produces the correct output. VM tests ^^^^^^^^ These are tests that are executed on the VM. The first subcategory of VM tests are very simple unit tests that test a specific VM feature and/or Java bytecode instruction in isolation (i.e. avoiding as many other VM features as possible). To ensure strong isolation, these tests are built into the boot image and executed in such a way that precludes using a more general testing framework such as JUnit. The second subcategory of VM tests are called output tests. These tests are comprised of standard Java programs (i.e. they have a class containing a main method) that produce some deterministic output via System.out. These tests compare the output of these programs when run under Maxine VM and another trustworthy JVM (such as HotSpot). Cross-ISA tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When porting Maxine VM's compilers to a new Instruction Set Architecture `QEMU `__ is utilized to virtually run unit tests and regress the correctness of the generated code. To be able to run cross-ISA tests Maxine VM relies on the gcc linaro toolchain and qemu. Assuming an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS installation, the following will install the required packages. ARMv7 ''''' :: sudo apt-get install qemu-system-arm gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-arm-none-eabi Aarch64 ''''''' Unfortunately for aarch64 the packages provided by ubuntu are not suitable. Qemu version is 2.5 while we need 2.10 and ``gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu`` although available in the Ubuntu repositories it does not include ``aarch64-linux-gnu-gdb``, so we need to manually download both Qemu and the linaro toolchain. For qemu: :: wget bunzip2 qemu-2.10.1.tar.bz2 tar xvf qemu-2.10.1.tar cd qemu-2.10.1 mkdir build cd build ../configure --target-list=aarch64-linux-user,aarch64-softmmu make -j sudo make install For gcc toolchain: :: wget tar xf gcc-linaro-7.1.1-2017.08-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/gcc-linaro-7.1.1-2017.08-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin RISC-V '''''' QEMU: :: git clone mkdir build cd build ../configure --target-list=riscv32-softmmu,riscv64-softmmu,riscv32-linux-user,riscv64-linux-user --prefix=/opt/riscv make -j sudo make install export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin For the GCC toolchain please follow the instructions from **NOTE**: When debugging RISC-V to make breakpoints work run the following in gdb :: #set riscv use_compressed_breakpoint off .. _logging-tracing-label: Logging and Tracing ------------------- Maxine provides two related mechanisms for logging and/or tracing the behavior of the VM, manual string-based logging using the ``com.sun.max.vm.Log`` class, or more automated, type-based logging, that is integrated with the :doc:`Inspector <./Inspector>`, using ``com.sun.max.vm.log.VMLogger``. These are related in that ``VMLogger`` includes string based logging as an option and so can replace the use of ``Log``. Currently the VM uses a mixture of these two mechanisms, with conversion being done opportunistically. For simplicity, we will use the term tracing to describe string-based logging in the following. If you are adding logging to a VM component you are strongly encouraged to use the ``VMLogger`` approach. Manual Tracing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use the class ``com.sun.max.vm.Log`` to do manual tracing. The class includes a variety of methods for printing objects of various types. By default the output goes to the standard output but can be re-directed to a file by setting the environment variable ``MAXINE_LOG_FILE`` before running the VM. To selectively enable specific tracing in the VM, define a ``com.sun.max.vm.VMOption`` with the name ``-XX:+TraceXXX``, where ``XXX`` identifies the tracing. You should avoid string concatenation (or any other code involving allocation) in tracing code, especially inside a ``VmOperation``. While this should not break the VM (allocation will fail fast with an error message if a VM operation does not allow it), allocation can add noise to your logs. Lastly, if the logging sequence involves more than one logging statement, you should bound the sequence with this pattern: .. code:: java boolean lockDisabledSafepoints = Log.lock(); // multiple calls to Log.print...() methods Log.unlock(lockDisabledSafepoints); This will serialize logging performed by multiple threads. Of course, it will also serialize the execution of the VM and may well make the race you are trying to debug disappear! Native Code Tracing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maxine provides some tracing of the small amount of native code that supports the VM. By default this is conditionally compiled out of the VM image but can be selectively enabled by editing ```` and rebuilding with ``mx build`` and rebuilding the VM image. This is particularly useful if the the VM crashes during startup. For example to enable all tracing set ``log-ALL`` to 1. Type-based Logging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In type-based logging, the actual values that you want to log are passed to an instance of the ``com.sun.max.vm.log.VMLogger`` class using methods defined in the class. Evidently, at the ``VMLogger`` level, type-based logging is something of a misnomer, as it cannot know the types of the actual values. In practice the values are logged as untyped ``Word`` values, but extensive automated support is provided to handle the conversion to/from ``Word`` types. The optional tracing support is driven from the values in the log. For more details see :doc:`Type-based Logging <./Type-based-Logging>`. Debugging Maxine Java Tasks --------------------------- The Maxine project includes a number of Java programs that can be launched as commands of the ``mx`` script. For example, the ``mx image`` command described above runs the ``com.sun.max.vm.prototype.BootImageGenerator`` class on a host JVM. This simplest way to debug such a command is to use the ``-d`` global option of the mx script. This will launch the Java program with extra options telling it to wait and listen for a JDWP-capable debugger on port 8000. You then configure a JDWP-enabled debugger to attach to this port. The advantage of this approach is that you can easily launch the command with different command line arguments without having to create/modify an IDE launch configuration. Core dump --------- To get a core dump from a Maxine VM process, it is simplest to do ``gcore `` from another shell. This forces a core dump but does not terminate the process, which continues after the dump is taken. An alternative is to use ``kill -s ABRT `` which does kill the process after the dump is taken. One other difference is that ``gcore`` allows the path to the core dump file to be specified with the ``-c `` option, whereas ``kill`` puts it in a default location, typically ``core`` in the current working directory. It is possible to force a core dump on a fatal VM error by setting the option ``-XX:+CoreOnError`` when running the VM. The following invocation: :: mx inspect --mode=attach --target=file --location=dumpfile will then bring up the Inspector on the core dump. If you omit the ``--location`` argument, it will put up a dialog box. Unfortunately this will only work if the associated Maxine VM was run with the ``-XX:+MakeInspectable`` option, otherwise some key data structures needed by the Inspector will not have been created.